Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Several months have gone by and nothing has changed in the short-sale real estate market.  Homeowners are still struggling with protracted short-sale timelines which have an incredibly high fall-out rate.  Some short-sales stay on the market up to 1000 days!  And, Lenders and their Investors are struggling to capture more of their lost equity.   Homeowners are on one side of the Grand Canyon and Lenders and their Investors are on the other side of the Grand Canyon.  The way I see it, this type of hold out for the last penny will go nowhere as homeowers are still not fairing any better in making their loan payments.  It is a game of chicken on the U.S. Economic Highway.

Nevertheless, Realtors know how to get buyers and sellers together as this is our job description.  Why then do Lenders and their Investors ignore real estate professionals?  In many cases, Realtors are debased in their efforts to complete short sale transactions.  The cost to Lenders and their Investors is huge, but, the cost to the U.S. Economy is monumental.  Not transferring out the unstable loans into the new stable loans is costly to Lenders and their Investors, not to mention devasting to our economic recovery.  It is like having a map but taking the uncharted road and then wondering why you got lost.

The simple math tells the story.  Delay = $$higher overall costs.  Move forward with the needed Short-Sale transfers of title = cut losses, save money, move on, and stimulate the economy.  Lenders, do the math!

The simple math.

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